FACTS ABOUT SUN-www.KICAonline.com
- 1. The Sun is a star that is in the center of the Solar System
- 2. The Sun is recognized as having the largest mass in our Solar System.
- 3. The diameter of the Sun is 1.4 million km (870,000 miles)
- 4. The Sun’s distance from the Earth is 150 million km (93 million miles)
- 5. Earth orbits the Sun 365 days, yes, one year.
- 6. The Sun rotates every 25-36 earth days.
- 7. The Sun’s energy travels outwards.
- 8. The Sun’s core is composed of hot & dense gasses. It has a temperature of 15 million Kelvin(27 million°F)
- 9. The Sun is made up of 92% hydrogen, 7% helium and the remainder of various gasses.
- 10. The atmosphere of the Sun is composed of three areas: the photosphere, chromosphere, and solar corona.
- 11. Corona is the Sun’s outer atmosphere with temperatures that range from a few thousand kelvins to a few million kelvins.
- 12. Helmet streamers are big white regions that extend out from the Sun in which solar plasma are trapped by the magnetic field of the Sun.
- 13. Solar flares from the Sun are sudden bursts of brightness that happen in places near the sunspots.
- 14. Sunspots appear on the surface of the Sun and look dark because of the lower temperatures near it.
- 15. The internal structure of the Sun is composed of: the inner core, radiative, core, and the radiative core.
- 16. The inner core is the hottest part of the Sun, and can reach 27 billion°F.
- 17. A solar eclipse occurs when Earth passes the shadow of the Moon.
- 18. A total solar eclipse occurs only during a new moon, which is when the moon sits directly between the Earth and the Sun.
- 19. Radiations of the Sun are in two forms, electromagnetic (photons) and particle (electrons, protons, alpha particles, etc.) radiation.
- 20. In February 1974, Skylab was the first manned spacecraft to study the Sun.
- 21. Solar flares occur when magnetic fields of the Sun come together and cause huge explosions on the Sun’s surface.
- 22. Solar flares produce bursts of electromagnetic radiation, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, and radio waves.
- 23. Johann Rudolf Wolf, in 1848 developed a method to count sunspots which has been called Wolf number.
- 24. Most ancient civilizations have based their culture on the presence of the Sun. These include the myths as developed by the following people: Egyptians (Re or Ra), Aztecs (Tonatiuh and Huitzilopochtli), Greek (Helios), Inca (Inti), and the list goes on.
- 25. If you weigh 100 lbs, your weight on the Sun would be 2707 lbs. (multiply your actual weight by 27)
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